Sri Keshavji Gaudiya Math (B.H)- A non-sectarian website with Vedic texts, articles, books, videos of Gaudiya Vaishnava Acharyas and Theology in Português, Bangla, Hindi, Espanhol, Deutsch and Dutch. Some rare Gaudiya Math arquives. Under the Divine Guidance of Om Visnupad Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayan Goswami Maharaj and Sri Srimad Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj. Textos Védicos, artigos, livros, fotos e vídeos Gaudiya Vaishnava e Teologia)
Apenas Bhakti.
Todos os caminhos temporários e secundários como o caminho de karma-yoga- fazer bem mundano aos outros sem esperar nada em troca, porém almejando a felicidade celestial (os planetas celestiais situam-se dentro do universo material) como resultado destas ações, o caminho de jnana-yoga- renúncia através do cultivo de conhecimento especulativo que visa o fim do sofrimento de si mesmo neste mundo e a união impessoal com Deus (brahmajyoti- fundir-se na luz divina), e o caminho de astanga-yoga- meditação através dos oito processos dados por Patanjali que visa a auto-satisfação do ser (alma), estão todos carentes de amor, atitude de serviço e devoção a Deus em Pessoa. Se analisamos os processos descritos acima através do Srimad Bhagavad Gita, falado pelo próprio Senhor, veremos que em todos eles, o foco, em essência, é apenas "Eu, eu e eu" (falso ego de se considerar o centro de tudo) e a dita felicidade última de si mesmo. Nenhum destes processos está diretamente ligado com o desejo de dar felicidade a Deus, sacrificando o próprio interesse pessoal para o interesse do Senhor Universal. Assim, bhakti-yoga (devoção pura) caracterizada por render-se completamente ao Senhor fazendo tudo com objetivo de dar prazer a Ele com atitude interior de afeição e devoção ao amante da alma- Deus em Pessoa ki tem como principal prática a recitação do Santo Nome, é na verdade o único processo que realmente pode satisfazer completamente a Deus. O praticante desta bhakti yoga, ao contrário dos outros cujo destinos são temporários (terão que retornar a este mundo após o término de seus créditos piedosos mundanos), jamais retornam a este mundo material, pois sacrificaram tudo pelo Senhor. o Senhor então se vê endividado com este devotos e os levam para morar com Ele eternamente em Sua morada: "Aqueles que me adoram com devoção uni-direcionada a Mim, alcançam Minha morada Suprema e jamais retornam a este mundo". E porque estes devotos cantam as glórias de Hari (tava kathamrtam) por todos os cantos, eles são os únicos verdadeiros bem feitores de toda humanidade (bhuri da janah), pois instalam a lembrança do Senhor em seus corações. Qualquer outro processo (como karma,jnana e astanga yoga) apenas aumentará o sofrimento dos seres vivos na forma de intermináveis nascimentos e mortes neste mundo.
Nota- Qualquer destino dentro do universo material que a alma alcança nos processos secundários descritos acima como viver nos planetas celestiais, viver no planeta dos sábios-yoguis como Maha e Jana-loka ou se fundir na luz divina (brahman), é temporário, ou seja, ela terá que retornar a este mundo após a morte nestes planetas. Ao contrário disto, os devotos exclusivos (bhaktas) que alcançam os planetas espirituais- transcendentais, que situam-se fora do universo material e que são a Morada das transcendentais formas de Deus em Pessoa, jamais retornam a este universo material e vivem juntos a Ele com seus corpos espirituais eternamente jovem e em êxtase constante (nitya-lila).
baladev b.
Um poema dedicado à Srila Gurudeva
Um poema dedicado à Srila Gurudeva
Ó meu Divino Mestre! Vindo da pétala central do lótus espiritual- Goloka Vrindavan, você encantou todo o universo com sua doçura transcendental. Com seu poderoso Hari Katha, (divinas instruções vinda de Goloka), entronizou suddha-bhakti (devoção pura sem misturas) como a única prática positiva desta era e conquistou milhares de corações através do amor e afeição supra-mundano, coisa jamais sentida por qualquer alma que entrou em contato com Sua Santa Graça. Para os devotos seniores (discípulos de Srila Swami Maharaj) você foi o sorriso que novamente manifestou nos rostos daqueles que ansiosamente esperavam por esta ‘segunda onda do amor divino’. Para seus próprios discípulos, você é o sol que clareia toda escuridão e tristeza deste mundo material, e foi a personificação nectárea da mais elevada concepção teísta – Deus como Radha-kantha, fazendo com que todos se sentissem orgulhosos de tê-lo como pai, mestre e protetor perfeito.
Ó meu Divino Mestre! As palavras que saíram da sua boca de lótus na forma do mais doce Hari Katha, fez de muitos aspirantes pela verdade se tornarem mendigos (sem posses materiais) mas que conquistaram a coisa mais valiosa encontrada em todos os três mundos, radha-krishna-bhakti. Completamente desapegado, você veio ao ocidente pregar as glórias de Sriman Mahaprabhu e Radha Krishna, e mesmo com tanta oposição, foi supremamente exitoso em todos os sentidos. Você estabeleceu que o caminho de raga-marga (devoção espontânea) é a única maneira de ‘amarrar’ Krishna amorosamente nos nossos corações. Ó Radha-priya, (aquele que é o mais querido de Srimati Radhika), em sua transcendental forma em Krishna-lila como Ramana-manjari, você satisfaz os desejos mais íntimos do casal divino. Você é a personificação de todo o serviço amoroso á Srimati Radhika e o pregador ideal da Sri Rupanuga Sampradaya. Jamais um Acharya propagou tão amplamente as glórias de Radhika como você, e isso foi realizado com a autoridade e direito recebidos diretamente de Radharani. O universo está eternamente endividado com Sri Gurudev, cuja personalidade transcendental foi abençoada em trazer a mais elevada concepção da devoção ao mundo – sva-bhakti-sriyam.
Ó meu Divino Mestre! Sua resplandescente e poderosa forma encanta até mesmo semi-deuses como Shiva e Brahma, seus olhos azuis excedem o charme do mais belo e valioso diamante. Seus longos braços que se estendem até os joelhos e seu robusto tórax apareceu neste mundo na forma do mais poderoso Acharya dos tempos modernos. Seu nariz subjuga facilmente a beleza do lótus desabrochado e seu brilho corpóreo envergonha a lua cheia. Sua natureza doce faz com que milhares de abelhas na forma de aspirantes sinceros pela verdade se juntem para deliciar o mel transcendental na forma das suas divinas instruções. Tal é a glória da sua extraordinária aparição de sua forma incomparável, a qual se assemelha em todos os sentidos á de Jagad Guru Srila Prabhupada Sarasvati Thakur. Seguindo os passos do seu mestre espiritual, (que era o servente mais íntimo de Srila Prabhupada), conhecido como Acharya Keshari Bhakti Pragyana Keshav Goswami Maharaj ‘O Leão entre os Acharyas’, você também desmantelou os elefantes na forma de apassidhanta e sahajismo (concepções errôneas e farsantes dentro do Gaudiya Vaishnavismo) e rugindo como um leão em todas as partes do globo, protegeu a pureza da mensagem de Sriman Mahaprabhu junto com os elevados conceitos deixados por Srila Rupa e Raghunath Goswamipad. Ó Srila Guru Maharaj, você também é a personificação da afirmação védica que diz: “O Sad-Guru Vaishnava é mais suave que uma flor e mais grave do que um trovão”. Todo o mundo comprovou este fato. Suas glórias são imensuráveis.
Oh! Aquele que recebeu o título de Guru do Milênio (yuga-acharya)! Até mesmo devotos de outras linhas e religiões reconheceram sua santidade e viram a personalidade de Deus em sua pessoa. Ornamentado com todas as qualidades do Supremo Senhor Sri Krishna Chaitanya, não houve quem não aceitasse sua suprema posição no domínio religioso. Com seu impecável caráter e honestidade, não houve espaço para diplomacia e duplicidade na sua divina pregação. Com seu amor e afeição pelos seus filhos e filhas, você fez com que todos sentissem como sendo a pessoa mais amada do mundo. Mesmo um pouco antes de partir deste mundo mortal, com lágrimas nos olhos e resplandescendo com o brilho e cor de Radhika (e Mahaprabhu) você disse: “Meu coração agora, está como o oceano, milhares de ondas de amor e afeição vem e vão, tanto por Mahaprabhu e Radha Krishna, quanto por meus filhos e filhas (discípulos).” Tal afeição provinda de ti, agora é nosso único orgulho e a esperança necessária para vencer todas as dificuldades deste mundo, que agora foi obscurecido pela falta da sua presença. Orando para eternamente servi-lo com toda energia e determinação, seu filho caído agarra os seus pés de lótus, rogando por apenas uma gota da sua ilimitada misericórdia e compaixão. Que suas palavras sirvam de inspiração para várias gerações futuras, e que seu nome seja glorificado em letras de ouro em todos os mundos e universos, para sempre.
baladev b.
Assumindo a responsabilidade pelos próprios atos.
"A resposta veio de acordo com a lógica espiritual. Você colhe o que planta. Cada um volta a terra com as sequelas provocadas por si mesmo em vidas anteriores. Deus não tinha nada a ver com as tragédias alheias. Cada um é responsável pelo próprio céu ou inferno. Emmanuel repetiria a Chico várias vezes: 'O ontem fala mais alto do que podemos admitir no tempo que chamamos de hoje'" - (do livro "As vidas de Chico Xavier")
Em Seu Srimad Bhagavad Gita, o Senhor declara o mesmo a seu amigo e discípulo Arjun. Ele explica claramente a lei do karma, ação e reação e embora poucos estejam alerta á esta lei infalível, á não ser que se compreenda profundamente isto, é impossível ter uma vida pacífica de felicidade interior.
Alguns covardemente proclamam que este mundo é controlado por Deus e que por isso, Ele é o culpado de todo bom e ruim que acontece aqui. Tal entendimento e ato de rebeldia só os aprisiona e os afunda ainda mais no poço escuro do mundo material. É imperativo compreender que cada um é responsável por suas próprias ações e que o Senhor apenas dá o fruto (reação) destas mesmas ações. O homem tem o livre arbitrio de fazer o que desejar mas não tem nenhum controle sobre os frutos destas ações. Este mundo é chamado de devi-dhama, o lugar onde a controladora é Maya- energia ilusória de Deus. Deus só se faz presente ativamente neste mundo no coração dos Seus devotos exclusivos porque apesar de ser imparcial ele é naturalmente atraído pelo amor e devoção deles. O restante é de completa responsabilidade de cada indivíduo que age sobre influência da ilusão usando seu limitado livre arbítrio para a concretização de seus desejos, idéias etc, enquanto que neste caso, a super-alma- Deus em Pessoa situado em seus corações (alma), apenas observa e testemunha as ações do indivíduo. Assim eles devem depois, receber os frutos (bons ou ruins) destas mesmas ações prévias pelo próprio Senhor. Deus não tem a nada a ver com isso. Apenas alguém que compreende isto pode viver pacificamente e ter uma vida espiritual ativa e progressiva. Do contrário se viverá uma vida inteira lutando contra o ambiente externo e no final ser reprovado no exame espiritual e ganhar o ciclo de nascimento, sofrimento e por fim a morte, como o único 'prêmio'.
A história de Adão e Eva na Bíblia é bastante significante. Enquanto os dois viviam de acordo com o comando do Senhor, de forma simples e pura, sem desejos egoístas etc. eram completamente felizes e auto-realizados. Quando decidiram desobedecer a lei pensando ser um ato de verdadeira liberdade e viver uma vida do bom e ruim mundanos, tiveram que depois provar o fruto deste karma e começaram então suas vidas de escravidão e sofrimento.
baladev das
Direitos reservados.
É impossível para aqueles cuja mente e sentimentos internos estão direcionados a pessoas e objetos mundanos, identificar o oceano de diferença entre sentimentos transcendentais (bhav) nascidos do resultado da conexão entre a alma com Deus e Seus devotos, e aqueles de emoções sentimentais mundanas nascidos de sua própria fraqueza interior e apegos mundanos. Foi contado por Siksa Gurudev Tirtha Goswami que certa vez uma senhora estava indo ao templo todos os dias e sempre ao ouvir o devoto palestrante falar sobre o Senhor, a senhora derramava rios de lágrimas fazendo com que todos os devotos do templo pensassem que ela era uma grande devota e manifestava sentimentos transcendentais. Isto chegou ao ouvido de Madhav Goswami, o Acharya do templo que entendendo toda situação um dia foi até a senhora e perguntou: "Porque você sempre chora ao escutar a narração do Bhagavat?". A senhora respondeu: "Ó, o palestrante possui uma barba justo como a do meu cabrito e quando ele gesticula, mexe a cabeça etc.. eu me lembro do meu querido cabrito que morreu há poucos meses, então com saudade dele, não consigo parar de chorar". haha.
Por outro lado, quando o Senhor Rama estava chorando com profundos sentimentos espirituais de separação (vipralambha-bhav) de Sua potência interna- shakti, Sita-devi, Sati-devi (Parvati), esposa de Shivji, pensou que Rama era uma pessoa comum que estava chorando de saudade de sua esposa assim como uma pessoa mundana faz e era incapaz de resgata-la. Shiva esperto lhe disse: "Ó, você não consegue compreender que Rama é meu Senhor adorável onisciente? Se ainda tem dúvida, vai lá e testa ele". Ela então foi ate Rama disfarçada de Sita e quando Rama a viu de longe, disse: "Ó Sati, o que você faz aqui? Onde está Shiva?" Sati ficou envergonhada e agora pôde entender que Shiva estava certo, Rama é o Senhor onipotente. Ao retornar envergonhada para Shiva, Shiva lhe disse que naquela forma ele nunca mais iria associar com ela pelo fato dela ter tomado a forma de sua mãe Sita, esposa de seu Senhor Rama. Esta é a razão interna do suicídio de Sati- para receber outro corpo (Parvati) para novamente ter associação com Shiva.
Há várias histórias como estas nos Vedas, de como as pessoas comuns tomam o tolo como sendo sábio e o sábio como tolo. É impossível para elas discernir quem é quem, qual tipo de sentimento dança no coração de cada pessoa, quem é um real Guru ou um falso Guru e quem é Deus. Apenas aqueles que tomaram refúgio uni-direcionado no Senhor Supremo e receberam Sua misericórdia, podem perceber estas verdades, ninguém mais.
baldev b.
Por outro lado, quando o Senhor Rama estava chorando com profundos sentimentos espirituais de separação (vipralambha-bhav) de Sua potência interna- shakti, Sita-devi, Sati-devi (Parvati), esposa de Shivji, pensou que Rama era uma pessoa comum que estava chorando de saudade de sua esposa assim como uma pessoa mundana faz e era incapaz de resgata-la. Shiva esperto lhe disse: "Ó, você não consegue compreender que Rama é meu Senhor adorável onisciente? Se ainda tem dúvida, vai lá e testa ele". Ela então foi ate Rama disfarçada de Sita e quando Rama a viu de longe, disse: "Ó Sati, o que você faz aqui? Onde está Shiva?" Sati ficou envergonhada e agora pôde entender que Shiva estava certo, Rama é o Senhor onipotente. Ao retornar envergonhada para Shiva, Shiva lhe disse que naquela forma ele nunca mais iria associar com ela pelo fato dela ter tomado a forma de sua mãe Sita, esposa de seu Senhor Rama. Esta é a razão interna do suicídio de Sati- para receber outro corpo (Parvati) para novamente ter associação com Shiva.
Há várias histórias como estas nos Vedas, de como as pessoas comuns tomam o tolo como sendo sábio e o sábio como tolo. É impossível para elas discernir quem é quem, qual tipo de sentimento dança no coração de cada pessoa, quem é um real Guru ou um falso Guru e quem é Deus. Apenas aqueles que tomaram refúgio uni-direcionado no Senhor Supremo e receberam Sua misericórdia, podem perceber estas verdades, ninguém mais.
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The Universal Absolute Truth- Scriptural, etimoligical, arqueological and historical evidences of vedic culture in whole ancient world and all theistic religions.
Baladev Brahmacari
Srī hari kīrtan jayatah
Śrī Keshavji Gauḍīya Math
I thank for the many contributions: Tulsi Das, Ludney Garcia, Gourangui Dāsī, Sérgio Andrade e André Ganesh. May Śrī Śrī Guru Gouranga bless them.
Dedicated to my Holy Spiritual Master Oṁ Vishnupad Paramahaṁsa Parivrajakacharya-varya Astottarasata Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedanta Narayan Goswami Mahārāj, The best of the eleventh generation of Bhagavat Paramparā de Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu

This book is intended for all those who have the mentality similar to a bee (intermediate and advanced devotees). Just as the bee extracts néctar from different flowers in different places, people with such a mentality can easily extract the contained spiritual essence in different teachings, religions and scriptures with no trace of sectarianism. Although these are a minority, only them are our respected friends. On the other hand, those of similar mentality of the donkey (neophytes - of limited vision) are not the ideal readers for the following text. Any serious student or practitioner of a spiritual religious life will easily understand that the Lord descends to this world or send His representatives-messagers at different times for different people according to the necessity and the level of awareness of a particular people. Therefore, even if someone has a certain type of culture and belief, the non-sectarian person will never criticize the other beliefs judging them to be futile, otherwise, fanaticism and offenses to any messenger of God will be a great impediment to their religious advance - spiritual.
Religion - Yoga
The word “religion” as well as its essence has been misunderstood by many. This word comes from the greek 'religare' which means 're-connect' two things –the soul with the supersoul- God; and it is equivalente exactly to the sanskrit word yoga, which means to connect the true being (soul) with God. In the Vedas it is said that in this current “age of iron” (kali yuga) the process of yoga authorized by God is called bhakti yoga, practiced through the chanting of His Holy Name with the mood of complete surrender to the Lord and His pure devotees. We see that in all theistic religions the chanting of the Names of God have been practiced as in Sufi sect of Islam and in Ethiopian Ortodox Church too. Religion and yoga(those who are monotheists - worship the One God) indicates a spiritual process and patterns of conduct that help us to connect with God.
Origin of Humanity and Religion

Map of Harappa - the place where the Aryan civilization first appeared in this world
After studying the scriptures (Koran, Torah and Bible) and Christianity,
of the three religions called Abrahams - Islam, Judaism
and Christianity, I have found that they are all based on the teachings
of the revealed scriptures of Vaishnavism - the Vedas.
This is nothing extraordinary because the Aryan - Vedic culture is accepted by many
cultures as the oldest and most respected culture in the history of mankind.
Sanskrit is also accepted as the basis and origin of all the other languages we have today.
The very term "Aryan" which means "people of noble character-spiritual" in Sanskrit it is spoken "Arya"; in Arabic
(or in the old language Avesta) "Airya" gives name to the country Iran that is one of the countries
that received the Aryan people from a long time ago. It is said that the Aryan race
first appeared in what is now Afghanistan (formerly part of India - Bharata),
which borders on Iran, and from there migrated to northern India while others migrated to eastern Europe
- migrated to eastern Europe
and other Arabian countries (This was accepted by Bhaktivinod Thakur in the introduction of his "Krishna saṁhitā" and also by Śrīla B.V. Swami Mahārāja).
The Dravidians were those who lived in South-India and they were blacks originally.
Afghan coin with Shiva
Nowadays situation changed and almost all there, are of mixed races
(Tribal races- Nepal, Tibet etc, Aryans, Dravidians, Mongols etc..) similar to what happen in Brazil.
Its sad that in despite that this truth was spoken by the 2 great Gaudiya Vaishnavas as mentioned before, Mr. Knapp and Mr. Frawley still ignore it perhaps because their fear
the emotional feelings that it may bring to people, or simply by ignorance.
The word Arya is in all the dictionaries of the languages of the Arabs, Hebrews, Egyptians and Hindus
and has the same meaning in all of them. The name of one of the major cities
on the Iranian border with Afghanistan is now Herat, formerly known as Arya
and lies on the banks of the Hari River. Those who have studied linguistics know this fact
there are innumerable books about this in English.
Lord Jesus Christ. Also known as Yuz Asaf and Hazrat Isha, He said in John 14:31: “But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do”.
In the left- Used in India
Used in Israel
The name "Israel" in hebrew is copounded by 2 words, meaning "Ishra- Eli", Eli is one of God´s name in hebrew tradition and Ishra means controler, master. In sanskrit this word is "Ishwara" wich also indicates God and also meanss "Controler". It is also well known through historians, written and archaeological evidences, that Jesus Christ was in the land of the Aryans - India, much of His life, as from 13 to 30 years. It was there, exactly in Jagannath Purī that He received the title of Kristo. Śrīla Gurudev B.V. Narayan Goswami wrote:
“Jesus also taught this philosophy. He went to India when he was about sixteen years old, and he visited many places of pilgrimage, like Vṛndāvana, Ayodhyā, south India and Jagannātha Purī. In Purī he saw the deities of Jagannātha, Baladeva and Subhadrā, and he heard Lord Jagannātha (meaning “Lord of the universe”) addressed as Krishna. In this part of India, the name Krishna is pronounced Krusna. Because of different languages, greek and hebrew, this name became Krusta, then Krishta, and now it is pronounced Christ. Krishna, Krusna, Krista and now Christ – they are the same”. (Way of Love, p.7)

The holy city of Jagannātha Purī, where the Lord Jesus lived for 2 years, learning the Vedas from the local brāhmaṇas.
Several historians are also of the opinion that the name of God in the original Old Testament, in Hebrew “Yahweh”(YHWH) in Aramaic Jah (YAH) and that comes from the root (YOD) or (YAHU) is the same as one of the best known names of Krishna in Sanskrit - Yadav or Jadav (YAD) meaning "Krishna - One who appeared in the Yadu Maharaj dynasty". They also assign the name "Judah" and its tribe to the descendants of this same Yadu (Jadu) dynasty and call them Indo-Hebrews. The name “Canaan” is also one of the names (surname) of Krishna according to the Vedas, and in Sanskrit it is written “Kaṇa”. There are numerous similarities, here are being given only a few more essential.
The kings of India often receive the title of "Kesari". It means Emperor "lion." "Hari" in Sanskrit and "Ari" in Hebrew, has the same meaning "lion." A good King receives this title because he possesses the bravery and excellence of a lion. Then copying this Hindu title, the Romans came to call their kings "Caesaris" as Julius Caesar (Portuguese - César) while later Russia called them “Czares” and Germans of “Kaiseris - Kaiser”. Like Cleopatra, Ceaser-Kesari is an honorable title and not a specific name. It is also awarded to a fearless preacher of the Truth as "Acharya Kesari" in India and Lion (kesari) of Judah among the Hebrews and Ethiopians.
In Sanskrit the word "soul" is written "ātmā" in portuguese "Alma". The nature of the soul is that she is an eternal servant of the Lord and its nature is to serve Him with love and devotion.
We also find several evidences of the similarity of the Abrahamic scriptures with those described in the Vedas. About this, Param Gurudev Śrīla B.P. Keshav Goswami writes in his "Māyāvāda ki jivani," pages 150-151:
“All too many western scholars, philosophers and chroniclers covertly borrowed from the ancient epics from India and transformed these stories to fit their own audience and culture. The Noah’s Ark story found in chapter six of Genesis in the Christian Bible is a point in fact of this, mirroing the history of Matsya’s incarnation as revealed in Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, canto eight, chapter 24, except that in the Bible the name of King Satyavrata is substituted by Noah and the gigantic fish incarnation which protected the inhabitants of the ship and pulled it to safaty in Śrīmad Bhāgavatam is excluded from the Bible story leaving the ark to navigate the total flooding of the earth by itself without any sails, oars or means of propulsion. Pursuing this analogy further even the story of Jesus’ secret birth in the manger surrounded by cows is reminiscent of Krishna’s secret name giving ceremony in a cowshed and the wicked ruler Herod who trying to destroy the baby Jesus by having all the babies killed two years and under clearly re-introduces the story of the demon king Kaṁsa who had all the babies killed in the ten days following the appearance of Lord Krishna in his attempts to destroy Him as revealed in the tenth canto of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam.
Some might wish to forcefully postulate that this is mere speculation and that it was not possible that these stories could be known of in the West; but it is an archeological fact that Greek culture did have sufficient access to Mother India as is overwhelmingly evidenced by the Heliodorus Stambha errected by the Greek Ambassador Heliodorus proving he was a Vaishnava devotee of Lord Krishna two centuries before the birth of Christ.
So it must be acknowledged and subsequently accepted that through the medium of Greece all of the western countries did have access to these stories and is no secret that many western scholars, philosophers and authors, incorporated the ancient and timeless wisdom of India into their books. In classical times, the Greek fable Hercules is an excellent example of this and in modern times the book "Siddharta" by Herman Hesse, as well as books from various esoteric western organizations such as the Theosophical Society and the Rosicrucians with their Vedānta rooted eschatology doctrines that are noticably lacking in any definitive understanding of the Supreme Lord; gives substantiating evidence of this in brief”.
(The Bible itself we have today is a translation of the writings in Greek.)
We see that the Vedas says that there are 2 floods, one at the end of Brahma's day and one at the end of Brahma's life. In the Bible there are also 2 floods, one with Noah and the other with Jonah. The story of Matsya is related to Jonah who in Chapter 1, verse 17, of "Jonah," who describes him as being saved from the flood by a great fish sent by God. There is no doubt that both are drawn from the same story of Matsya as described in the Bhagavat:
"So the Lord prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah; And Jonah was three days and three nights in the bowels of the fish". (Jonah 1:17)
Matsya Avatar saving Satyavrata Muni and other Sages from the flood
The Savior Fish next to Jonas. Work of Aleijadinho, Belo Horizonte- Brazil
The same is also true of the story of the next incarnation of God, Kalki-dev. In the Holy Bible - Revelation, 19, 11-21, we find the following verses:
The Heavenly Warrior defeats the beast
11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter”. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
king of kings and lord of lords
17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, 18 so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small”.
19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. 20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
Likewise, in Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (12.2.19-20), the activities of Lord Kalki are described as follows:
“Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount His swift horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic opulences and eight special qualities of Godhead. Displaying His unequaled effulgence and riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings”. (translation: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda)
Lord Kalki, described in Bible and Vedas
The real Hindus - the Vaishnavas, too, are monotheists - worship One God and also do not accept any kind of idolatry in their worship. The Vaishnavas worship Śrī Mūrti of Bhagavān experienced through transcendental feelings (bhavas) and especially through the chant of the Holy Name - "Glorified be the holy Name". Śrīla Gurudev says in the book "The Way of Love"(p.6-7):
“All of us are in the family of one God. It is not that there is one God in England, another in America, and still another in India. The Christians, Muslims and Hindus are not worshiping different Gods. The names Allah, Brahma, Jehovah, Krishna and Yahweh refer to the same God, called by different names according to differences in language and culture. If we love the same one God, why do we quarrel? We quarrel because we don’t know what real love is. If we have true love and affection for the one Supreme Lord, we will naturally love each other. There is a saying, “God is love and love is God.” And in Indian Vedic culture there is a saying, “All should be happy.”
Jesus also taught this philosophy. He went to India when he was about sixteen years old, and he visited many places of pilgrimage, like Vṛndāvana, Ayodhyā, South India and Jagannātha Purī. In Purī he saw the deities of Jagannātha, Baladeva and Subhadrā, and he heard Lord Jagannātha (meaning “Lord of the Universe”) addressed as Krishna. In this part of India, the name Krishna is pronounced Kroosna. Because of different languages, Greek and Hebrew, this name became Krusta, then Krista, and now it is pronounced Christ. Krishna, Krusna, Krista and now Christ – they are the same. In this universe there is only one God, and He is not Russian, English, German or Spanish. He knows all languages without difficulty, but there is actually no need of knowing them. There is only one real language in the entire world, and that language is called love. Eyes can speak that language, ears and hands can speak and understand it, and a glowing face can tell everything. God is one, and He is the embodiment of Love. Krishna is the original name of God, given in the ancient Vedas, and it means “the all-attractive reservoir of pleasure”. All other names, like Supersoul, Buddha, Allah and God, are included within Him.
And also:
Śrīla Nārāyaṇa Gosvāmī Mahārāja: Yes. Indeed, the teachings of Jesus Christ are very good and are in the category of bhakti yoga. But today we see that Christians are not following these teachings. (For example, in the Bible (Leviticus) there are several rules and regulations on foods that can be offered to God at the altar and it is rare to find a Christian who follows them strictly)
In the same interview with a radio station in Houston, Śrīla Gurudev said: "From Krushna came Krista and Krista came Christ , Christ is the same as Krishna and then you can sing the name of Christ, or Jehovah, or whatever name of God you desire”. To conclude this part, anyone who carefully reads the chapter of the Holy Bible called "Leviticus" and also the millennial Vedic scripture called "Manu Smriti" will see in them the evident similarity in codes of conduct appropriate to man according to the law of God. All this (similarity and respect to the Laws) will be observed by those whose faith in the scriptures is developed.
In ancient times, the land of Ethiopia was called Kush or Kusha. Some historians also include part of Egypt in this portion of land. The word Kush or Kushal in Sanskrit means "happy." Curiously, the translation of the chapter entitled "Sheba" (in arabic "Shva"; in Portuguese "Séba") in the Koran 34:15 (Surat Sabá), on the land of the Queen, it is said:
“There was for [the tribe of] Saba' in their dwelling place a sign: two [fields of] gardens on the right and on the left. [They were told – the Prophet said:], "Eat from the provisions of your Lord and be grateful to Him. A good land [have you], and a forgiving Lord". This happy territory is the place of Séba – Ethiopia.
So, we see that the reason Ethiopia calls itself Kush is also due to the meaning of the word being "happy" in both Aramaic,Sanskrit and also Quechua. Not only this, but in the age where no writing was used and only a few symbols were used, these were also used by Ethiopia in ancient times. Even today, one can see the use of the Swastika, Hindu symbol meaning "peace, well-being, the 4 ashrams and varnas, Vedas etc" in Churches in Ethiopia as well as the “Magen David - Star of David” which has long been used by the Hindus. There is no doubt that Egypt and Ethiopia had maintained various connections with India since that ancient time. Even nowadays, the Tewahedo Christian Orthodox Church of Ethiopia uses instruments in its rituals very similar to the Vedic ones like the drum of two sides (mṛdaṅga) and cymbals, the clothing is also similar as the songs and dances practiced in these Churches. It is said that the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the oldest Church in the world because it began with Queen Sebá at the request of King Solomon and continued with their son (son of Sebá and King Solomon) called Menelik, whose last descent King was the Emperor Haile Selassie. Although previously it followed Jewish concepts and worship of the prophet Moses, Christianity was incorporated into it through the Apostle Philip - The Evangelist, who preached to an Ethiopian about the new Messiah - Jesus Christ. Since then, they are seen as Christians who hold the tradition and also strictly observe all Laws given in the Bible. It is a respectable and noble Church. There, too, as in Hebrew culture, the symbol "Lion of Judah" is widely used to refer to some messengers of God, like Jesus Christ etc.
Swastika on stones of the Lalibela Church of Ethiopia.
Swastika in a church in Macedonia.

Statue of the Lion Of Judah in Addis Ababa- Ethiopia

Lions guarding one Gaudiya Math temple- Navadwip-dhama-India
One of the most important Kings of Egypt was called Akenaton. He was known to be the only King of Egypt trying to install worship to One God in polytheistic Egypt. His name is similar to the word "Ekanatha" which in Sanskrit means "One God". So he probably received this name because of his monotheistic worship. There also in Egypt we find the famous Nile River or Blue Nile because of its bluish color, in Sanskrit "blue" it is written "Nila" as in "Nila Kantha Mahadev" - Shiva - that has the blue throat with the word "Nila" also meaning blue. Still in Egypt, worship of the God Ra (Sun) is well known and one of the names of the sun in Sanskrit is Ravi, both beginning with the syllable "Ra". There are other innumerable evidences like the land of the Rsis that gave name to Russia, the place of Kasyapa - the Káspio sea, the place where the arms were tested (in Sanskrit Astra) fired by mantras - Australia, the place of the then offering (Pinda) in the shape of the head of Rama, PindoRama - Brazil, the place where there is a lot of silver (ajuna in Sanskrit, argutum in latin) - Argentina, and so many others that will not be mentioned so that this book does not extend much. Here is an excerpt from the introduction of the book "Krishna Samhita" written by Srila Thakur Bhaktivinod, where he cites the connection that Egypt had with India since ancient times:
“According to them (modern historians) the beginning of the Aryans' rule in India was 6,341 years ago. We have thus established the incomparably long history of India. No other civilization can compare with it. It is said that Egypt, or Misore, is a very ancient country. It is estimated from the descriptions of Menitho, a historian from Misore, that people started living in that country in 3553 B.C. The name of their first king was Minis. It is calculated that his rule began when Hariscandra was ruling India. The strange thing is this: there was a king named Maniscandra who was a contemporary of Hariscandra. It may be noted how similar the names Maniscandra and Minis are. It is also said that King Minis came to Egypt from some eastern country. The great pyramid was created by the Suphu dynasty. A king named Hiksas from the east attacked Egypt about 2000 B.C., or about two hundred years before the battle of Kuruksetra. A religion similar to varṇāśrama dharma was previously practiced in Egypt. From these facts it appears there was some kind of connection between Egypt and India. Let future scholars research more about this. According to the opinion of the Hebrews, their kingdom was created around 4000 B.C., probably from the time of King Śrāvasta. It is difficult, however, to prove these things nowadays. When the situation of the Hebrews and Misore [Egypt] is such, there is no need to mention other races. Descriptions of incidents prior to the time of King Minis of Egypt are uncommon. The 1,000 year life history of Adam of the Hebrews has become the subject of discussion for the third-grade people of that country. Modern scholars of India compare his life-span with the seventy-one maha-yuga life-span of a Manu or the 1,000 year life-span of Daśaratha. Swanlike people should not think that we are trying to establish India as the oldest country in order to increase its prestigious position. Since swanlike Vaisnavas see all people as equal, they accept whatever truth is substantiated regarding the age of the diferent races”.


Inscriptions of Tamil Brahmi - (which was used by the Hindus) one of the oldest forms of writing known to us, found on a stone on the Red Sea coast in Egypt dating to 100 years B.C.
In his book "Māyāvāda Ki jivani" (pages 99-100) Śrīla Param Gurudev Śrīla B.P. Keshav Goswami Maharaj writes:
Heliodorus was a Greek ambassador to India 200 years before the birth of Christ. As a diplomat representing Greece in a foreign country he obviously had the full confidence of the Greecian governement and possessed a sophisticated understanding of the world as it existed at that time. Although his political and diplomatical qualities were surely exemplarary they are not however what he is best known for. In the international archeological circles of the world his proven presence in India was quite sensational. What establishes his importance and what he is best known for is the errection in 113 B.C. of his monumental pillar at Besnagar in Madhya Pradesh, India. Known as the Heliodorus column in all archeological circles and literatures, this pillar is actually a Garuda-stambha similar to the one situated inside the Jagannatha temple at Puri in Orissa, India. Although the knowledge of its existence is not so widespread to the common man; in archeological circles it is considered a phenomena and its discovery gives the profound perception and understanding of the depth and universality of the imperishable Vedic culture. In light of the fact that the western countries received the vast majority of their knowledge and assumptions from the Greeks makes this a very significant and unique archeological discovery of worldwide importance.
The Heliodorus column first came to the attention of the western intelligentsia in 1877 during an archeological expedition from England headed by Sir Alexander Cunningham. After analyzing the style and form of the column, Cunningham incorrectly deduced that it was erected during the reign of the Imperial Gupta period of the second century A. C. never dreaming that underneath the coating of red silt that covered the bottom of the column was an inscription. However thirty-two years later in 1901 an independent researcher accompanied by Dr. J.H. Marshall had the coating of red silt removed and then the inscription was brought to light revealing that the pillar was factually errected in the second century B.C. and not in the Imperial Gupta period as previously assumed. Dr. Marshall described in an article he wrote in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society that Cunningham had erred in his evaluation of the age of the column and could never have imagined the value of the find which he had just missed discovering. The language was Prakrit influenced by Sanskrit and one look at the anciant Brahmi inscription chisled into the base of the Garuda-stambha was all that was necessary to understand that the column was many centuries older than 200 A. C. This came as a great surprise to Dr. Marshall but what caused him to be amazed and what totally electrified the international archeological community as well was the translation of the ancient Brahmi script which we are revealing below:
devadevasya vāsudevasya garuḍa dhvajaḥ ayam karitah
heliodorena bhagavatena diyasa putreṇa taksasilakena
“This Garuda pillar dedicated to Vasudeva, the lord of lords, has been erected by Heliodorus, a devotee of the Vedic culture, the son of Dion and resident of Takshashila”. (The Life History of Māyāvādism. p.99-102)
(Takshashila is in western Pakistan)
"Now, to put everything in proper perspective, it should be understood that the greatest Greek philosophers beginning with Pythagoras who lived in the year 560 B.C., Socrates in 450 B.C., Hippocrates in 400 B.C., and Plato and Aristotle in 350 B.C. all came and preached their doctrines, propagated their philosophies and compiled their books. Ambassador Heliodorus being a member of the Greek elite in the 2nd century B.C. was certainly well versed in all these philosophies, yet the Emperor Heliodorus became an avid Vaishnava devotee of Vasudev Krishna and left this impressive monumental pillar in the form of the Garuda Stambha as testimony of this for all eternity".
Pythagoras is also known as the patriarch of all the great Greek philosophers. It was said by the French philosopher Francois Voltaire that Pythagoras went to India and there he learned geometry. Pythagoras' theorem was already known in India through the Vedas. The name Pythagoras also originates from Sanskrit. In Sanskrit "Pita" means "Father" and "Goras" comes from "Guru" means Master. As Pythagoras is the father of all later teachers of philosophy in Greece, his name is Pythagoras-father (pita) of Greek gurus- Goras.
Famous Pillar of Heliodorus in Besnagar, Madhya Pradhesh, India.

Nowadays people are too much sentimental that they can not acept some truths. So here, let us know the truth about Germany and his ideology. Once, Srila Swami Maharaj told: "“the Aryans spread [to] Europe also, and the Americans, they also spread from Europe. So the intelligent class of human being, they belong to the Aryans, [the] Aryan family. Just like [Adolph] Hitler claimed that he belonged to the Aryan family.”
and: "The Dravidians, Prabhupada declared, are “non-Aryans. Just like these Africans, they are not Aryans.”
and: "“They [Jewish bankers] were financing against [the interests of] Germany,” Prabhupada said. “Otherwise, he [Hitler] had no enmity [against] the Jews… The Jews have got money. They want to invest and get some profit. Their only interest is how to get money, [not] nationalism, [not] religion, nothing of the sort ... Therefore [William] Shakespeare wrote [of] ‘Shylock, the Jew.’”
In the end of this video, Srila Gurudev also says: "We know, Germany followed India", and he says on wich way ...
So, an inteligent man will research about the matter before believe in cheap propagand coming from jewish-english-american media.
The Kardecist Spiritism – India
On his book "A caminho da luz” (On the Way to the Light), chapter 5 titled "India", Francisco (Chico) Xavier through the spirit Emmanuel states:
"Modern thinking is the legitimate descendant of that great race of thinkers who organized themselves on the banks of the Ganges, from the dawn of earthly times, so that all the languages of the white races have the closest affinities with Sanskrit, which originated from their formation and which was reminiscent of their previous existence, on other planes". (p.50-51)
"Of the exiled spirits in the environment of the Earth, those that grouped in the banks of the Ganges were the first to form the prodromes of an organized society, whose nuclei would represent the great percentage of ascendants of the collectivities of the future.
The Hindu organizations are of ancient origin before the Egyptian civilization itself and preceded the clusters Israelites, from which later notable personalities, such as those of Abraham and Moses, would emerge.
The souls exiled in that part of the East had received much from the mercy of Christ, whose word of love and whose luminous figure they held the most touching memories, translated in the beauty of the Vedas and Upanishads. They were the first voices of philosophy and religion in the earthly world, as coming from a race of prophets, teachers and initiates, in whose traditions the men and peoples of the future would drink the truth, noting that their schools of thought preserved the initiatory mysteries, with the most sacred traditions of respect". (p.49-50)
"The songs of the Vedas are a glorification of faith and hope, in the face of the Supreme Majesty of the Lord of the Universe. The ability to tolerate, and to wait, flourished in the collective feeling of the multitudes, who endured all sorrows heroically and waited for the sublime moment of redemption. The Mahātmās created an environment of such great spiritual grandeur for their people that even today no foreigners visit the sacred land of India without bringing from there the deepest impressions of their psychic atmosphere. They also left their messages of love, hope and resigned stoicism to the world, pointing out that almost all the great figures of the human past, progenitors of contemporary thought, have learned from them the most sublime lessons".
No prophet or authoritative scripture should be criticized
In his book "Māyāvāda ki jivani," page 177-178, Śrīla Bhakti Praghyan Keshav Goswami Mahārāja writes:
"Śrī Bhagavad Gītā is known and respected everywhere by all classes of people due to its being contained within Mahāmuni Śrīla Veda Vyāsadeva’s fenomenal 100.000 śloka epic entitled Mahābhārata. The Bhagavad Gītā is actually the essence of the Mahābhārata and upon the foundation of Bhagavad Gītā only is one able to enter into the loftly and exoteric subject matters of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, the crest jewel and the crowning glory of all spiritual scriptures without exception. Although the knowledge presented in the Bhagavad Gītā concerning the Supreme Lord, the individual soul and the living entities designation as well as relationship with the Supreme Lord is applicable to all religions, cultures, and people and is flawless, impecable and eternally absolute; still we see that the promulgators of demonic religions without any shame or remorse whatsoever dare to criticize even this great transcendental work.
Such blasphemers and envy mongers are imposters who insiduously attempt to usurp the eternal, pristine position of Sanātan Dharma. Although these imposters externally wear the garb of religion and appear pious by their nefarious activities it can be gleaned that they are factually demons”.
In the same way Śrīla B.V. Swami Prabhupāda says: "If you see that by following some religious principles you develop your love for God, then this is perfect. It does not matter whether this is in the Bible, the Qoran or the Bhagavad Gita; It does not matter." (Lecture, 10/18/68) And also - Śrīla B.V. Swami Prabhupāda: "If Muhammad is a servant of God and Jesus Christ is the son of God, then where is the disruption of the disciplic succession? The disciplic succession begins with God, so how do you think there is no disciplic succession there? If the original tree has branches, twigs, and leaves and they are in contact with the original tree, that's all right". Similarly, Jesus Christ, respecting the previous prophet stated, "I came not to change the law (of Moses), but to fulfill it". Also in the Holy Qoran, chapter "The heifer (Al-Baqarah)", verse 136, states:
“[O believers], we have believed in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him". And in verse 137: “So if they believe in the same as you believe in, then they have been [rightly] guided; but if they turn away, they are only in dissension, and Allah will be sufficient for you against them. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing”.
Thus, it is clear that the Acharyas Vaishnavas as well as the Abrahamic prophets had deep respect for all the real preachers of the Truth and their respective scriptures and they also warned of the danger of criticizing them. In fact, criticizing an envy God´s pure devotees leads one to the worst hell.
Buddhism and worshipers of light are not part of the Absolute Truth
In his famous book "The History of Impersonalism", Śrīla Param Gurudev B.P. Keshav Goswami wrote: "Atheists say that God does not exist. Shankaracharya, like the Buddhists, says that God has no form, is impersonal, has no qualities or attributes. Is this not in essence a kind of atheism? Mahādeva Shiva is known as Pasupatinath which means 'The protector of those who act as animals' and also as Bhutanath which means 'The protector of ghosts'. Shankaracharya is an incarnation of Shiva and that is why atheistic philosophy is today the religion of those who act like animals and live as ghosts".
We also see that in the West a large number of followers of Christianity, Islam and Judaism think just like the Buddhists and impersonalists - that the holy spirit or even God does not have a spiritual form, qualities, friends, etc. They think there is only one light or one energy. Most of the so-called religious today deny that God can have an eternal spiritual form even though it is stated that "God created man after His own image." So it is clear and evident that to say that these people are actually atheistic and demonic is simply the truest truth. It is common today also ignorant people think that yoga is simply to exercise or lengthen the body or reassure the mind. However, the Lord of Yoga Bhagavān Śrī Krishna says to his friend Arjun:
sarva-dharmān parityajya
mān ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo
mokṣayiṣyāmi ma śucaḥ
“Completely abandoning all bodily and mental dharma, such as varṇa and āśrama, fully surrender to Me alone. I shall liberate you from all reactions to your sins. Do not grieve”.
Here, the Lord Himself declares to all that true yoga means surrendering to Him with an attitude of service and this will give satisfaction to the soul. And what is the best kind of service in this dark age? This was spoken by Śrī Krishna Chaitanya:
harer nāma harer nāma harer nāmaiva kevalam...
"In kali-yuga, current age of hypocrisy and disagreements, there is no other way to achieve the supreme spiritual goal other than the chanting of Holy Name of God (Hari), the chanting of the Holy Name of God, the chanting of the Holy Name of God".
Two Types of Impersonalists
Śrīla Gurudev B.V. Narayan Goswami writes in his book "Gopī Gītā" page 123:
"There are two kinds of monists (advaita-vādīs) or impersonalists. In one category are the Māyāvādīs, who follow Śaṅkarācārya and who, like Rāvaṇa and similar demons, are offenders to the Supreme Lord. In the second category are personalities like Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanātana, Sanat Kumāra, and Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī, who initially werebrahmavādīs, or nirgunya-vadis aspiring for nirguṇa Krishna. They were not offenders.Nirguṇa Krishna means Krishna without qualities. The brahmavādīs accept the existence of God (brahmā), but they have no information about the sweet qualities of His superior, personal feature, and that is why they worship Him without qualities. This is not offensive, because as soon as they hear about the extraordinary qualities of the Supreme Lord Śrī Krishna, they immediately become His devotees and give up their worship of His impersonal feature. It is explained in the Vedas that brahmavādīs, or nirgunya-vadis, want to become one with the Supreme, but they do not try to negate and deny the existence of His personal feature, as do Śaṅkarācārya and his followers. If they meet a devotee, they easily take to the process of bhakti".
Note - The worshipers of the impersonal light in India are called "māyāvādīs" meaning "those whose scriptural knowledge is illusory".
All bonafide scriptures declare: "God is a Person, the Supreme Person"
Not only do Vaishnavism practitioners, but also many Christian scholars also express the idea that God has a form and this is evidenced in the Bible, like this article below:
"Some have had doubts about the Holy Spirit, imagining that He is only a depersonalized power from God; But the teachings of Christ leave no doubt about this. In promising the Holy Spirit, He said:
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; But if I depart, I will send him unto you "(John 16: 7). The word "Comforter" is the translation of the Greek term Paraclete, which in St. John 14:26 is identified as being the Holy Spirit. According to James Robertson, "Of the teaching of Jesus, there is no doubt that the other Paraclete is a Person. At every step, Jesus speaks this way: 'He will teach you all things'; 'He shall glorify Me.' Personality is implicated in the title 'Paracleto', which, in some versions, is improperly translated as 'Comforter'. The word means 'One who is called to stand by us, especially in times of difficulty and conflict'".
Note - In the Vedas it is explained that God has 3 aspects; 1 - Brahman, the impersonal form of God which is only His corporeal effulgence, 2 - the personal form (Paramātmā) located in the heart of all living entities including animals, plants etc, and finally 3 - Personal Form of God Parabrahma, who resides eternally in His spiritual abode, which is the Absolute and Complete Truth. He is to be known, worshiped, served, and loved.
So there is no doubt that all trustworthy scriptures accept the fact that God possesses a form which, though not material, is spiritual and can be seen only with the eyes of love and devotion to Him. When the scriptures say that God does not have a form, this means that He does not have a material form like ours, but a spiritual form similar to ours. This personal form of God is described only superficially in the Abrahamic scriptures and detailed and extensively in the Vedic scriptures. On this, Param Gurudev wrote in his "Māyāvāda ki jivani," page 178:
"The Christian Bible in the book of Revelations, chapter four, verse three gives some reference that God being seated upon a throne is in appearance like a jasper stone. The Hebrew Torah states in the book of Ezekiel, chapter one, verse 28, that the Lord had the appearance of a cloud mass on the day of a pouring rain which is blackish. And the Muslim Koran in the second sura, 138th ayat states that they took their color from the Lord. Muhammad who dictated the Koran was a Bedouin whose color is known to be blackened".
In the conversation of a Muslim Leader Mullah with a Vaishnava in the Jaiva Dharma, Śrīla Bhaktivinod Thakur also writes:
"In our Koran it is written that the Supreme Entity (God) has a conscious divine form, so we are compelled to accept this fact".
In the Vedas also, Brahmā Saṁhitā, verse 1 says:
“Śrī Krishna, Govinda, is the embodiment of eternity, knowledge and bliss. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the controller of all lesser controllers, and the source of all incarnations. He has no beginning or origin, though He is the source of everything and the cause of all causes”.
Śrīla B.R. Sridhar Maharaj comments on this verse: "The form of the Lord of concentrated Truth (sat), Consciousness (cit) and divine ecstasy (ānanda), in a form similar to that of a common human being with two arms and possessing the charming and celestial dark blue color (Syamasundar), carrying a flute (Muralidhar), is His Personal Eternal Character”.
It is clear that while the Abrahamic scriptures describe only the color (black and dark blue - the color of a charged cloud) of the Personality of Godhead, the Vedic scriptures give detailed descriptions not only of color but also of His form, activities, associates, qualities, etc. Those who wish to advance in knowledge about the Supreme Person - God, will benefit immensely from reading books such as the Bhagavad Gītā and Śrīmad Bhāgavatam.
It is clear that while the Abrahamic scriptures describe only the color (black and dark blue - the color of a charged cloud) of the Personality of Godhead, the Vedic scriptures give detailed descriptions not only of color but also of His form, activities, associates, qualities, etc. Those who wish to advance in knowledge about the Supreme Person - God, will benefit immensely from reading books such as the Bhagavad Gītā and Śrīmad Bhāgavatam.
Śrī Mūrti of Sri Krishna called Rādhā Ramaṇa. The process of worshiping the personal form of God (Śrī Mūrti) which is authorized in the Vedic scriptures is completely different from the idolatry practiced by the worshipers of many gods and impersonalists.
The deity of God worshiped by the Vaishnavas have a ocean of diference from the idolatry performed by the mayavadis and panca-upasanas worshipers. The abraahmic prophets rejected all just because that time they were worshiping many deities, many demi-gods. So they established the worship of only one God, just as the Vaishnavas (and all Abraahmic religions) does.
South America, like the underground planets, in the Vedas is called Patala. In India there are also several places which are described as being replicas of celestial and spiritual places such as Devprayag-Indra-loka, Kailash-Shiva-loka and Vrindavan-Goloka. When I asked some Vaishnavas about the possibility of South America having replicas of the lower planets (bila-swarg), they told me, "It is quite possible". Although these planets have advanced technology and great sensorial enjoyment, there is no spiritual uplift activity, they are not eternal and they live with the constant fear of the Vishnu´s disk (chakra) which also symbolizes the all devouring time. On each of these 7 underground planets there is a form of God - Vishnu as Kapila-dev in Atala - place of the Bala demon, fairies etc; Rudra in Vitala – the place of Maya Danav - where there are ghosts and goblins; and Vaman-dev in Sutala - abode of Bali Maharaj. There are several archaeological, cultural and religious evidences that indicate the connection between America and these planets. Next, we will look at some of the hundreds of indications that exist.
The following is the translation of a conversation between Śrīla Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda and Dr. Patel on November 21, 1975, Bombay:
Śrīla Prabhupāda: Still it is going on. The junglis, they are not called civilized. They are as good as animals. We... in India we say jungli he, jungli. And others say "uncivilized." So Āryan, Āryan means the most civilized group.
Dr. Patel: But presently, sir, the Āryan race are spread the world over.
Prabhupāda: Huh?
Dr. Patel: Right from... Āryans are spread the world over right from South America to...
Prabhupāda: They were, they were belonging to the Āryan family. The Europeans, they were also Āryan family, and Indians, the Arabians, Persians, they were all Āryan family. And the Americans, they also migrated from Europe. So they are also Āryans. But that is familywise. But actually Āryan means one who is advanced in civilization. That is Āryan. Therefore when Krishna chastised Arjuna, He addressed him "non-Āryan." "You are not talking like Āryan". Anārya juṣṭam. "You are talking like non-Āryan". (aside:) Hare Krishna.
So Āryan means advanced. The first-class civilized men are the Āryans. So that standard of Āryan civilization is to understand God, Viṣṇu, and go back to. This is perfectional. Yato vā imani bhūtāni jayante (Taittirīya Upaniṣad 3.1). To understand that. And again return back to Him. The modern civilization, they are completely unaware of God, neither they know it that going back to home, back to Godhead, is perfection of civilization. This is the defect.
Dr. Patel: They say, sir, that the Āryan civilization, cradle of Āryan civilization, near the North Pole, in somewhere in Russia. From there they started migrating. People went to Europe, from there to America, then south down to Iran, and then to India and all that.
Prabhupāda: That's all right.
Dr. Patel: When they have such extreme cold they were able to civilize themselves to that extent.
Prabhupāda: Hmm? (chuckles) We don't say.
Dr. Patel: The Eskimos are not able to do it.
Prabhupāda: No. Civilization means they must live in a nice place like India. That is civilization. The America in those days, they were neglecting. Nobody was living there. Gradually they advanced. Otherwise these tracts of land were rejected.
Dr. Patel: Hmm?
Prabhupāda: These tracts of land, North America, that was rejected by the Āryans. They knew it.
Dr. Patel: They say the Mexico was known to ancient....
Prabhupāda: Mexico, they are less civilized. They are not Āryans. They are not Āryans.
Dr. Patel: That is Pātāla-bhūmi.
Prabhupāda: Yes. Pātāla-bhūmi means just opposite the eastern hemisphere.
Yaśomatīnandana: Just opposite the...?
Prabhupāda: Eastern hemisphere.
Dr. Patel: But they had, sir, a very big Inca civilization in southern part of the American, I mean, continent, South America, that had been ransacked by these fellows, Spaniards. (break)
Yaśomatīnandana: ...that Rāvaṇa's brother, Mahirāvaṇa, was in...
Prabhupāda: Brazil.
Yaśomatīnandana: Brazil?
Prabhupāda: Yes. From the description it appears.
Dr. Patel: They could have gone via the Berings, on other side of...
Prabhupāda: By Suranga.(?)
Dr. Patel: Bering, Bering, just near on the eastern end of Russia.
Prabhupāda: Underground.
Dr. Patel: There is just next, I mean, Alaska and Bering, opposite each other. They could have gone by that place to American continent in past.
Devotee: That's what the scientists say. They are saying that they migrated by the northern way.
Dr. Patel: Yes. That is the only way. Otherwise seas are very big waves. The small crafts could not have go that way. (break)
Prabhupāda: ...proposition is not migrating. That is due to increase of population. The civilization means the culture. (aside:) Hare Krishna. Jaya. (break)
Dr. Patel: ...really spread toward the east in Indonesia and Indochina, all those places, which were again overtaken by Islam later on.
Prabhupāda: Islam is also...
Dr. Patel: History, it has spread. Even Bali Islands today are practicing Hinduism.
Devotee: Āryan means change in consciousness to God consciousness.
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Devotee: This means all over the world there can be an Āryan culture.
Prabhupāda: Yes, that is right.
Dr. Patel: Today the world is dominated by Āryans, all over practically. Except in Central Africa.
Prabhupāda: Today the whole world is dominated by demons.
Dr. Patel: Today. The Āryans have become demons.
Prabhupāda: Yes. That... Anyone can become demon. A demon can become Āryan, and Āryan can become demon, by culture. That is one...
Dr. Patel: Yes, yes. A brāhmaṇa can be degrated to Rāvaṇa state.
Prabhupāda: Yes. That is the Āryan culture.
yasya hi yad lakṣanaṁ
proktaṁ varṇābhivyañjakam
yady anyātrāpi dṛṣyeta
tat tenaiva vinirdiṣet
That who is Āryan? These are the symptoms of Āryan. If the symptoms are found in Mexico, they are Āryan. That is verdict of Nārada. Yady anyātrāpi dṛṣyeta tat tenaiva vinirdiṣet (SB 7.11.35). We are doing that. They are coming from mleccha family, but they have practiced to become brāhmaṇa, they are brāhmaṇa. This is Āryan culture.

Hanumān with Śrī Rāma and Śrī Lakshman on the shoulders, stepping on Mahīrāvaṇa after the battle in Brazil.
It is said in the Vedas that in this present dark age of quarrel and hypocrisy, practically all people are sudras – low-class people. Yet, anyone who develops divine qualities must be accepted as a brahmana - or priest, the highest class in society, regardless of external factors such as color, family lineage, country and so on. On the contrary, any person who apparently - outwardly has a higher birth, but have lower habits and mentality should never be accepted as superior simply because of the same external factors. In Vedic culture and also in Abraamic culture, one have to judge people by their behavior, habits and level of consciousness and never by color, family lineage or financial situation. The evidence of this is the reaction of Jesus Christ to the Jewish Pharisees who thought themselves superior because of their birth in the priestly hebrew family; the punishment of the Lord Parashurama on the irresponsible rulers and the strong preaching of Jagad Guru Śrīla Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur against the caste (smarta)-brāhmaṇas in India.
As Śrīla Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj (Prabhupāda) said, according to the scriptures, Rāvaṇa's brother Mahīrāvaṇa lived in Brazil. The pastimes, in which he kidnaps Rāma and Lakshmana and brings them to Brazil, and are then saved by Hanumān in his Panchamukha form, are described in the Kamban Rāmāyaṇa. There follows a summary:
"Rāma and Lakshmana once slept in a cave during a battle in Śrī Laṅkā. Vibhīṣaṇa, Rāvaṇa's brother who surrendered to Ramachandra, was the guardian of the cave along with Hanumān. Mahīrāvaṇa took advantage of this moment, disguised himself as Vibhīṣaṇa and so, very easily, he entered the cave where Rāma and Lakshmana were. Using his powers of black magic, he kidnaps Rāma and Lakshmana, and through a tunnel brought them to Brazil (Pātāla). Already in Brazilian lands, Mahīrāvaṇa tied them and prepared them for Kālī-pūjā (where Rāma and Lakshman would be offered to Kali Ma). Mahīrāvaṇa told the two brothers that they should first bow to Kali properly, and then cut off their heads and offer to her. At that moment, Ramachandra asked him to show them how they should offer obeisances to Kali Ma, arguing that he had never knelt before someone before.
When the demon Mahīrāvaṇa went to teach them, the faithful servant of Rāma, Hanumān, had come from Laṅkā to rescue them. At that moment, a great battle began between Hanumān and Mahīrāvaṇa. Hanumān killed him, but Mahīrāvaṇa always resurrected (he had a lot of mystical power). After several attempts Hanumān remembered what he had heard before "Mahīrāvaṇa is almost immortal, but there is a mystery, there is only one way to kill him. You must extinguish the five torches he keeps around his palace, so only you can kill him. "Hanumān then manifested his five-headed form (pancha-mukha-Hanuman), struck out the five torches at once, and Mahīrāvaṇa was dead, he rescued his Lords - Rama and Lakshmana, and then brought them back to Laṅkā".

Hanumān Pañcamukha, with 5 heads, form manifested in Brazil
It is also said that after killing Mahīrāvaṇa, Hanumān left his son Makardwaj who was also half man half monkey (and red as Hanumān), as king in Brazil. This explains why Brazilian natives often paint red bodies. In the Tupi Guarani indigenous culture as well as in the Vedic culture, the children are sent to the home of the guru or pajé at the age of five. There they shave their heads and learn arts, science, spirituality until they are 10 when they leave school. It is also known that the ancient name of Brazil was Pindorama (Pindo Rama) and that the language spoken here was similar to the Sanskrit. One of the original Tupi Guarani tribes is called Ramarama and another Awanti (Xavanti). There is no doubt that even here in South America, Lord Rāma and Vedic culture were known to the native tribes.
Cartoons counting that līlā (pastime):
Inquiring about the pastimes of the manifestations of Vishnu (Vishnu-Tattva), which took place in the South American area, I obtained some informations based on the Vedas which led me to study the Valmiki-Rāmāyaṇa somewhat, in the part in which Sugrīva ordered his army of monkeys to search for Sītā in every corner of the globe.
One of the articles that led me to these verses of the Rāmāyaṇa was written by Doctor PV. Vartak, archaeologist and PHD in literature in India and Washington (USA). The article is called "Pātāla means South America", so he wrote:
"Bali Maharaj was grandson of Prahlāda Maharaj, Māyā Dānava was the son of Diti and thus brother and friend of Bali. Māyā was known for being a great engineer and so built a stone city for Bali. Māyā built many stone buildings. Valmiki-Rāmāyaṇa describes that, once, Rāvaṇa visited Bali Maharaj.
Māyā and her descendants built many things in Pātāla. Pātāla is South America, so it appears in the Vedas and by the descriptions there is no doubt. Because of the miracles that Māyā made in engineering he is called asura, and according to the RigVeda, asura means miracle or phenomenal (with supernatural powers). Māyā prepared a large trident in South America (Bolivia) as a marking of territory. And it's stuck on a mountain to this day. The trident is bright and emits signs of light. Modern researchers do not know who did and when this trident was made. I found this described in the Valmik-Rāmāyaṇa - Kishkindha Kāṇḍa, verses 53 and 54. There Sugrīva describes the region for his army and warns them not to cross or go beyond that area because it was a very dangerous area.
Then Sugrīva said: "There is a mountain called Udaya Parvata, in it there is a tala tree containing three branches (a trident), this looks like a golden flag, and the mountain is gleaming from the base to the top. It was prepared by the gods to set the east direction. As Sugrīva described this, surely he must have gone there by air. It is miraculous that this trident emanates light only if viewed from above. The Rig-Veda also mentions, that Vishnu demarcated the east, here Vishnu means Vāmana that expelled Bali from India. Vāmana knew that Bali went west and there established new colonies. And it was possible that he would again make war against Lord Indra, the master of the east. Then Vishnu decided to mark the eastern boundary. Thus, both semi-gods and demons, they demarcated the limit of their lands with this signal.
This tala tree is found on the border between Peru and Bolivia. The tala tree that has three tips is the trident found in Peru-Bolivia, near Pisco’s bay. Scholars normally believe that America was discovered by Columbus in 1494. And if this is true, how did Vālmīki in the year 7290 BC describe precisely this tala tree (trident) existing in South America?
How did Vālmīki perfectly describe the trident as told by Sugrīva, who surely saw this trident with his own eyes? So that means that the Indian ancestors came and went from India to America. Modern scholars also say that there are many Hindu customs that are common in South America. And the reason is that the Hindus of Ancient India migrated there, both in Bali and also after Bali Maharaj. If modern researchers knew of this secret, they could unravel many other mysteries".
As seen, this 'sign' of demarcation on the east or west side depending on the author's or Sugrīva's point of view, is indeed the mysterious trident that lies on the border between Peru and Bolivia to this day. (According to the Rāmāyaṇa, it is the place where Ananta Shesh lives - the divine serpent that supports and destroys the universe at the end of each kalpa or divya yuga). "In the time of cosmic destruction, Ananta is angry and from the middle of his forehead comes Rudra who carries the trident in his hands - Rudra dances and sets fire to the whole universe. Archaeologists and historians say that this is one of the greatest mysteries of archeology, but all this is found in scriptures such as Rāmāyaṇa, Mahā Bhārata, and Rig-Veda.
Māyā Dānava, described above, is a devotee of Krishna of the race of the demons (dānava) who was master in astrology and architecture, built a great palace for the Pāṇḍavas at the time of his exile and therefore received the mercy of Śrī Krishna being installed as head in the Planet Vitala (Bila swarg). The Mayan natives are probably their descendants, as they were also experts in astrology and architecture. The Aztecs come from the sage Āstika Ṛṣi who saved Takshaka and Nāgas from the Janamejaya sacrifice and gained their sympathy (Mahā Bhārata, Āstik Parva). In Mexico they worshiped the winged serpents, whose main one is Takshaka nāga, the same one that stung Parikshit Maharaj. The americas (south and central) was the only region that was not inhabited by the deva (demi-gods) in the ancestral time, except in some part of the history where the Incas in Peru and Bolivia were probably connected with the dynasty of the God of the Sun through Ikṣvāku (Ikwacu-Inca) Maharaj.
Below is a translation of some of the verses of the Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa which I have found on this subject:
(Rāmāyaṇa KK 4-40-53)
"A golden sign shining like a three-branch palm tree is established at the peak of that mountain as a sign of the great soul Ananta, and It will be shining on this mountain ... " (tradução direta)
"A golden pylon resembling a palm tree with three branches as its heads is established on the peak of that mountain as the insignia of that great-souled Ananta, and it will be lustrous with a golden podium”.
(Rāmāyaṇa KK 4-40-54)"
That palm-tree sign was built by the heavenly gods as a demarcation of the East and where beyond that golden mountain is all West. The peak of that mountain will touch the Heavens".
"That pylon of palm tree is constructed as the easterly compass by celestials gods, and beyond that a completely golden mountain is there, namely the august Udaya Mountain, the Mt. Sunrise, beyond which it is all west. The pinnacles of Mt. Sunrise will be touching heavens for their height is hundred yojana-s and that divine mountain greatly glitters for it is completely golden, and it is pedestalled with suchlike glittering mountains.
(Rāmāyaṇa KK 4-40-58)
"Formerly, as He covered the three worlds in His incarnation of Trivrikrama, the Supreme Person, Śrī Vishnu, took his first step on that peak of Saumanasa, and the second step on Mount Mero to cover Heaven... "
"Earlier while treading the three worlds in the incarnation of Trivikrama, the Supreme Person Vishnu made His first foothold on that pinnacle Saumanasa, and the second on the pinnacle of Mt. Meru to tread the heavens.
The Sign said in Rāmāyaṇa, Tridente Candelabro, Paracas - Peru.

Śrī Vaman-Dev. The Manvatar Avatar of the present
Manu Vaivaswata sending his devotee Bali to Pātāla.

Inscriptions similar to those used by the Hindus, found in the Ingá stone - Paraíba, Brazil.

Similarity between the Ingá Stone- inscriptions founded in Brazil and Easter in Polynesia which, in turn, is similar to Tamil Brahmi of the Hindus.
The names of Vāmana Dev in the Vedas are Urukram, Trivikram, Waman, and Upendra. By the pictures and stone images of Viracocha, and the description of its appearance, form etc (with stick in hand, sun around head (Vāmana umbrella), mendicant pot in other hand, is just what is described about Vāmana Dev. Vāmana Dev in the form of Upendra lives eternally on the celestial planets, he is the deity of Vishnu worshiped by the demi-gods headed by Indra.
In the image of Viracocha we see several birds. In the beginning of the Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta of Śrīla Sanātan Goswami describes that Upendra-Vāmana is always mounted on Garuda, traveling on all sides, killing the demons. It is concluded that, in some part of the history, Vāmana Dev killed the race of the demons that inhabited the area of the Lake Titicaca and Tiwanaku, and established The Uros- who later was conquered by the Incas- descendants Vivaswan (Sun) and Ikwaku, The Inkas history says that the first king was named Manqu (Manu) and his was son of sun. In Vedas too, Manu was the son of sun-Surya.
Gaurangui Dāsī comments: Viracocha means "one who turns the world upside down". It is perfectly connected with the description of Vāmana Dev because with his first step he took a turn in the planet earth, and then in the celestial planets and in the end having nowhere to support his third step, Bali Maharaj offered his own head to be stepped on as a form of demonstrating surrender and acceptance of the divinity of Vāmana Dev. In the representations of Viracocha we see that his legs are small, we remember that in this pastime of Vāmana Dev, Śrī Vishnu took the form of a dwarven brāhmaṇa in order to return the heavenly abodes to the demi-gods.
Viracocha in the Inca culture - "It is the invisible divinity, creator of the whole Incan cosmovision, considered as the original splendor, Lord, Master of the World, being the first god of the ancient Tiahuanacos, who came from Lake Titicaca, from whose waters, thus creating heaven and earth. It is the archetype of the order of the universe in the human being. "Viracocha, like other deities, was nomadic and had a winged companion - the bird Inti, a species of magic bird, knower of present and future, represented in oral myths as a hummingbird with golden wings (Quri qinqi) - this description is exactly what the Vedas say about Garuḍa, the Eagle that bears Vishnu.
from Brhad Bhagavatamrta, Upendra is another name of Lord Vamana

Vāmana Dev, Hindu

Saksay Waman Temple in Cuzco, Peru

Swastik in the Uru city near lake Titicaca- Bolivia

Aztec Painting - The Snake and the Bird

Hindu Painting - Garuḍa (bird) with a Nāga (snake)

The divine serpent Ananta Shesha who sustains the whole universe and serves Lord Vishnu. At the end of each Brahmā’s day (4.320.000.000 years), She manifests her anger and through Rudra-Shiva destroys the material universe.

Rudra Shiva in his tandava dance - when he destroys the universe through the fire that precedes the universal flood.

Demigods and demons, beating the ocean to produce the nectar of immortality. This story is told in almost every ancient culture in the world.

Same sculpture-shaped image at Bangkok International Airport, Thailand
Going beyond the sectarian and prejudicial consciousness
We often see that most of the followers of a particular religion can not see that the same Absolute Truth is also present in other scriptures other than theirs simply because they think God is confined to only his group or religion. A neophyte Vaishnava will find no beauty and devotion in the Christian faith as well as the Christian and the Muslim will find no symptom of faith and love in the Vaishnava religion simply because both came to the same conclusion through externally different ways. However, the devotee intermediary will accept any teaching that matches pure devotion to the Absolute Truth found anywhere or in any scripture. The real hindus, the Vaishnavas, are also monotheistic - they worship One God and also do not accept any kind of idolatry in their worship, so there is no reason to quarrel with one another. About this mentality, Śrīla Bhakti Rakshak Śrīdhar Goswami Maharaj wrote in his book "Divine Aspiration":
"Wherever the universal truths of religion are found, they must be accepted. If not, then Christians of different nations, for example, Americans or Englishmen would say, 'Christ was born in the Middle East, why should we accept His instructions? He was not born in our soil; His teachings did not flourish in our country - why should we accept this? 'But the geographic difference is all llusory - māyā. Wherever the true religion is found, we must be open to accept it by its own intrinsic value. We should not be guided by worldly, physical affinity - and for our bodies and countries. We must go beyond all this material barrers and be students; with complete open heart. We must be seekers of Truth, from whichever place it comes".
Theistic development trough the ages by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur- Krishna Samhita (Introduction)
“If we go through the histories of these five rasas, it is clearly believed that shanta-rasa was seen in the beginning days of India. When the soul was not satisfied after performing sacrifices with material ingredients, then transcendentalists like Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanat-kumara, Sananda, Narada, and Mahadeva all became detached from the material world, situated in transcendence, and realized shanta-rasa. Much later, dasya-rasa manifested in Hanuman, the leader of the monkeys. That dasya-rasa gradually expanded to the northwest and manifested in a great personality named Moses. Long after Hanuman, the leader of the monkeys, Uddhava and Arjuna became the qualified authorities of sakhya-rasa. They preached about this rasa throughout the world. Gradually that rasa expanded up to the Arabian countries and touched the heart of Mohammed, the knower of religious principles. Vatsalya-rasa manifested throughout India in different forms at different times. Among the different forms, vatsalya mixed with opulence crossed India and appeared in a great personality named Jesus Christ, who was a preacher of Jewish religious principles. Madhurya-rasa first shone brightly in Vraja. It is extremely rare for this rasa to enter the hearts of conditioned souls, because this rasa tends to remain with qualified, pure living entities. Navadvipa-candra, Shri Shaci-kumara, preached this secret rasa along with His followers. This rasa has not crossed beyond India as yet. A short while ago a scholar from England named Newman realized something about this rasa and wrote a book about it. The people of Europe and America have not been satisfied with vatsalya-rasa mixed with opulence, as preached by Jesus Christ. I hope, by the grace of the Lord, in a very short time they will become attached to drinking the intoxicating nectar of madhurya-rasa. It has been seen that any rasa that appears in India eventually spreads to the western countries. Therefore within a short time madhurya-rasa will preached throughout the world. Just as the sun rises first in India and gradually spreads its light to the western countries, the matchless shining of spiritual truth appears first in India and gradually spreads to the western countries”.
Śrī Chaitanya-dev Avatar
The last incarnation of God, who in fact is the origin (avatari) of all other divine manifestations, Śrī Krishna Chaitanya, is also known as Goura or Gaurāṅga because he shines like the glow of gold (Goura-anga). It is said in the Bhagavat that only the most intelligent people (su-medhasaḥ) will worship this Lord through the chanting of the Holy Name of God. Gouranga means Golden and is the name of the Lord who came in the form of a pure devotee to teach the fallen souls of this age the way to get devotion to Himself. Gouranga Mahāprabhu appeared only 500 years ago in Navadwip, West Bengal – India - and is considered the most merciful manifestation of the Supreme Lord. There are several scriptural evidences that sang the glories of Lord Gouranga. In the Atharva Veda it is said:
vedānta vedyam puruṣaṁ purāṇam
caitanyatmanam visvayonim mahāntam
tameva viditvā timrtyum eti nānyaḥ
panthā vidyate yanāya
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known by the Vedānta, the Super Soul, the Original Lord and the original cause of the universe, is Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. The soul that understands this fact is freed from death. It is not possible to obtain the adorable Lord without the understanding of the exalted position of Śrī Caitanya because there is not even a slight difference between Śrī Krishna and Śrī Krishna Chaitanya-dev".
Śrī Krishna Chaitanya. The same Krishna who came in the form of a pure devotee only 500 years ago in Navadwip, West Bengal, India.
In Śrī Bṛhān Nāradīya Purāṇa it is said:
divi já bhuvi jayadhvam jayadhvam bhakti rūpiṇaḥ
kalau sankrtanarambhe bhaviṣyāmi śacī-sutaḥ
"Oh you, the best among the brāhmaṇas! In kali-yuga (present age of iron) my natural dark complexion will be covered by the golden complexion and sentiments of Śrīmatī Rādhikā. In this form of a devotee, I will always protect the devotees with the mighty weapon of the Holy Name. Then, oh demi-gods, I now tell you to descend to the earth in forms of devotees, for I am going to appear in kali-yuga as the son of Śrī Sachi-devi, at the beginning of the sankirtan movement (congregational chanting of the Holy Name of God)".
There are hundreds of other evidences in the Vedic scriptures about the appearance of the Supreme Lord Himself in the form of Śrī Krishna Chaitanya who is also classified aschana-avatar - a secret manifestation of God, because of Him, despite being the Supreme Lord Himself, to have come in the form of a pure devotee.
Meaning of Mahā Mantra
Hare Krishna. Krishna is known as Hari (thief or lion), for He steals our impurities when we call Him by His Name (reciting with a prayerful mood), or as the roaring of a lion causes all animals to flee from fear, if we recite repeatedly the Name, all the impurities of the heart will come out of fear of His Name. Krish - Karshana, the one who attracts all (those who have a simple heart) with its beauty, charm and harmony. But Rādhikā (Rādhā) attracts even Krishna, so its called by the invocative "Hare". Her glories are incomparable. Na - ananda, transcendental ecstasy. Krishna gives spiritual pleasure to all who serve Him. Rāma is another Name of Krishna (Rādhā-Ramaṇa) -meaning "One who gives pleasure to Rādhā". This is the meaning of the Mahā Mantra in accordance with the devotional line of Śrī Krishna Chaitanya-dev.
May peace reign among peoples through the power of the chanting of the Holy Name of God. May the Name be sung all over the world. May the Name manifest the desire for the most sublime divine love (madhurya-prem) in the heart of all living entities.
śrī śrī guru gouranga jayatah
śrī śrī rādhā govinda jayatah
oṁ shanti oṁ shanti oṁ shanti
Postagens (Atom)